Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Right Time!

In 2008 most of America; well at least fifty one percent; believed Oprah when she told us that Barrack Obama was a different kind of politician. It just wasn't true. I don't need to go back through the lies and broken promises or the radical far left socialist agenda our beloved President has pursued the first half of his first term. Everybody understands the massive debt pile-up and the job killing private sector take overs by our elite elected ruling class. Amazingly, even after the historical beat down handed out by the American people to the socialist democrat party; our leaders have learned naught. The American people want their neighbors and friends to go back to work. The American people want free-loaders and winers to take care of themselves. We, as a collective conscience simply want Mom and Dad to lead the household. We want government to worry about those obligations concisely outlined in the Constitution. Common sense...the parents; the ones procreating; meet and exceed their responsibilities. Let us be honest; our government has been quietly growing and expanding for many a decade. It is not the fault of either political is the fault of the drunk and distracted American population. For goodness sakes; more Americans line up for the next new tech toy than line up to vote for any local or national election.

Generations of abdicating our personal responsibilities; we want government to raise our children. We even want government to kill our children when caring for what we created is just to big a hassle. 2011; right now; is the right time. It is the right time for us to look in the mirror and man-up. Hard choices and painful amputations of out of control evil government. Our existing political parties and weak leadership has let us down and left us to the terrible tyranny of egotistical want-to-be-Kings.

The answer, the only answer, is the people...the American people. Listen to your heart and your soul; don't believe the progressive media when they label your friends and family as racist and haters. The Constitution of the United States protects all Americans regardless of race, creed, sex or socio-economic situation. All our founds wanted and needed was for us all to be do our part. Wake up my is the right time to change the future and save freedom, family and the greatest nation on the planet.

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